The Southeast Asian Community Center is a 501©3 non-profit charitable organization incorporated in the State of California.

 Board of Directors

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Board Roster as of August 2024

Salma Aghmane (Chair)

VP, Relationship Manager. N. CA Corporate Lending of Cathay Bank

Gary J. Lee (Vice Chair)
Boxer & Gerson, LLP -Partner
Thuy Nguyen-Smith, LCSW (Treasurer)
Behavioral Health Clinician, Department of Public Health City and County of San Francisco
Cindy Lee (Secretary)
Workers Comp Hearing Representative EDD – State Disability Insurance
Christine Su (Director)
Career Services Coordinator College of San Mateo
Philip Nguyen, Executive Director
 Philip Nguyen (Director)
Former Executive Director
  Nam Le (Director)
Former Data Entry Operation of Bank America.
Diana Vuong, Executive Director
Ms. Vuong has been SEACC Executive Director since September 2018. Before this, Mrs. Vuong served as the Chief Financial Officer of the Southeast Asian Community Center and had worked with the Monetary Management Corporation for more than 8 years. She also had several years of experience as a business owner and director of the Private Postsecondary College.
Dora Phan, Chief Accountant
Ms. Phan has a B.S in Accounting from San Francisco State University and a Minor in Information Systems. She is bilingual in Vietnamese and English.
 Anna Tong, Business Manager
Mrs. Tong is as the great experience in customer services and good knowledge in finance industry, marketing, operations, business plan development, and start-up issues. She is bilingual in Vietnamese and English.

Leann Luu, Administrative Assistant

Leann Luu, Manager of the Community Development

Ms. Luu has been a member of the SEACC staff since 1995. She is trialing in Cantonese, Vietnamese, and English. She is responsible for SEACC’s programs

David Tat, Associate Business Analyst Assistant

Mr. Tat is trialing in Cantonese, Vietnamese, and English. He has a great experience in customer services.,

Olivia Nguyen, Caseworker
Ms Nguyen is bilingual in Vietnamese and English and has a B.S in Health Education from San Francisco State University.
Lisa Chau, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Chau is trialing in Vietnamese, Cantonese, and English and has an B.S in Marketing from San Francisco State University.
Thanh La, ESL Teacher
Ms. La has a B.A. in English from Ho Chi Minh City Open University in Vietnam. She can speak Vietnamese and English

Ky Truong, Caseworker

Mr.Truong has many years of experience in outreach, escort and customer services. He is bilingual in English and Vietnamese.

Tam Ngo, Community Worker
Mr. Ngo has many years of experience in customer service and support services. He is bilingual in Cantonese and English.

Thanh La, Food Pantry Coordinator

Mr. La has many years maintaining food pantry.






Over the years, the Southeast Asian Community Center has been helped by numerous volunteers. Currently, we have a group of dedicated volunteers who manage our Immigrant Free Food Distribution Program on a weekly basis. Each Friday morning, several volunteers arrive before 6AM to receive deliveries from the San Francisco Food Bank and stock them in a storage room. Later that morning, the volunteers manage the distribution of food donations to 250 immigrant households who are either referred by the City of San Francisco’s Department of Social Services or are met requirements of immigrant low-income household. This volunteer group has now been together for more than 15 years and has become a vital and important member of the Southeast Asian Community Center’s family.

SEACC’s Outreach Volunteers